Schedule - PGDay UK 2023

Embeddings, not embedded - Postgres in the age of AI

Date: 2023-09-12
Time: 15:50–16:40
Room: Council Chamber
Level: Intermediate
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The recent buzz around generative AI has driven an interest in vector databases - database capabilities for handling, searching and clustering data structures with hundreds or thousands of numerical values. Postgres has been the basis for a lot of interesting work in this area, with the pgvector extension collecting a lot of this work and some new innovations into an easily consumable package. Bringing some of these capabilities into core Postgres is also an area of active discussion.

Join me for a tour through how Postgres can be part of your AI journey, how to scale vector search operations on a Postgres cluster and how scale-out derivatives of Postgres, like Greenplum, allow these operations to scale across groups of servers.


Alastair Turner